

Oreo has always been interested in my yarn. If I leave a ball out overnight, I can be sure she'll find it and chase it over and under and around and about as many rooms as she can get to, making a huge tangled mess. If she sees me put it in a drawer, she does her best (and very often succeeds) to get the drawer open and her treasure out.

So when I started finding my tagged class samples all over the house, I was pretty sure who the culprit was - especially since a fair number of them ended up in Oreo's food dish. I thought I must have forgotten and left them out on the counter.
Uh, no.
Oreo and AJ both like to use these cloth and cardboard drawers as scratching posts (they have no claws, so no damage - or not much damage - is done.) Oreo figured out that my tagged samples were in the top drawer, so she pulls at the handle until she gets it open jusssssst enough to get them out.

Now it's a game. Every morning I pick up her treasures and put them away, carefully closing the drawer tightly. And every night she works until she gets the drawer open and her treasures out, then positions them carefully throughout the house.
Now if I could just teach her to put them away again . . .